Middleware to facilitate server-sent events.


Option Type Default Description
autoInit Boolean false Whether or not to automatically initialize (setup keepAlive, send headers, …) the SSE instance.
keepAlive Number | [false] 15000 Send keep-alive messages in the form of “: ping” comments every keepAlive ms. Set false to disable.
serialize Function JSON.stringify A function that is used to serialize data sent over the event stream.
onInstance(instance, req, res) Function A function that sets the SSE instance to req.context.sse if you’re using the context middleware or res.locals.sse otherwise.  

SSE instance

Property Type Description
enabled Boolean Indicate whether or not SSE is enabled for the current request. If false the send* functions are no-ops.
send(event, data) Function Sends an event and data over the stream. Either parameter can be omitted to send an event without data or data without event respectively.
sendComment(message) Function Sends a comment over the stream.

Simple example

const app = require('express')();
const createContextMiddleware = require('@ambassify/expressify/middleware/context');
const createSSEMiddleware = require('@ambassify/expressify/middleware/server-sent-events');


app.get('/test', (req, res) => {
    if (!res.sendServerEvent) {
        res.send('Server-sent events not enabled');

    res.sendServerEvent('user', { id: 1 });
    res.sendServerEvent('user', { id: 2 });
    res.sendServerEvent(null, { some: 'data' });

    req.context.sse.sendComment('Just a comment');


Customized example

const app = require('express')();
const createSSEMiddleware = require('@ambassify/expressify/middleware/server-sent-events');

    serialize: data => data.toString(),
    onInstance(instance, req, res) {
        req.isEventStream = instance.enabled;
        res.streamEvent = instance.send;
        res.locals.initSSE = instance.init;

app.get('/test', (req, res) => {
    if (!req.isEventStream) {
        res.send('Server-sent events not enabled');

    // Set some custom headers before init
    res.header('x-custom-header', 'foo');

    res.streamEvent('user', { id: 1 }); // will send "data: [Object object]"